profilepic By igoon
847 24
I Messed Up
igoon Afghanistan
1142 24
uploaded 13 years ago
192 kbps 916 1 2 331
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  • 11 years ago
    Million$Baby / Nita
    Million$Baby / Nita United States
    27 6
    commented: I messed up I never thought I would let somebody get close enough 2 call it REAL LOVE I knew nothing when i was in Crazy Love that aint even close the way who came thru the first guy I really ever had eyes for first all them other dudes I couldnt even shakem off like mike jones
  • 11 years ago
    Million$Baby / Nita
    Million$Baby / Nita United States
    27 6
    liked this track
  • Badasselberg 11 years ago
    Million$Baby / Nita
    Million$Baby / Nita United States
    27 6
    commented: I messed up I never thought I would let somebody get close enough 2 call it REAL LOVE I knew nothing when i was in Crazy Love that aint even close the way who came thru the first guy I really ever had eyes for first all them other dudes I couldnt even shakem off like mike jones
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